
I remembered...

By Melissa - Monday, March 16, 2009

  • the first time our eyes locked, I had butterflies in my stomach. It never left me, to be absolutely truthful. Subsequently, I fought hard to not look in your direction, because I knew if I did, I would have a pair of twinkling, deep brown eyes gazing into mine.

  • when I wailed continually about my stubby fingers, wanting a lean set to replace that of my own, you took my hands into yours and said, " These are beautiful fingers, and I love them just the way they are."

  • when I was going through a rough phase, you pulled me close to you, rested my head on your chest and assured me that everything will work out, when given the time.

  • when you took my wrists, nuzzled up to them and said, "Nothing in the world smelled better."

  • when we read the newspaper together, you crouched down and tickled my feet, making me giggle with delight while begging endlessly for you to stop.

  • when you bought me lunch from my favourite eatery with my favourite dishes in it, especially taking the effort to choose only the leafy parts of the vegetables for me, because you paid attention to what I liked and disliked.

  • when you placed absolute trust in my judgement; no questions asked, no arguments raised. You just said, "You know what you are doing, I trust you."

  • when you listened while I went on and on about crazy theories and told you a heap of ridiculous jokes (some of them sounded so corny, even to me) but you laughed as though I had dished out the best joke in the world.

  • when I got into one of my bad moods and started ranting, you listened and gave me good advice. Not preach and give me lectures, not leave me and say, "I can't stand your temper, I think we should just be friends" and left me like a discarded piece of trash. You've never - not even once - lashed out at me. Your calm composure and silent strength were the qualities which attracted me and made me fall (oh-so-madly) in love with you.

  • when you stayed put (not finding opportunities to subtly inch away) during my inevitable moody days. I was a walking time bomb and I was so grouchy, but you immediately launched into Operation Make-Melissa-Smile. We both knew it did not result in me having a total mood turnaround, but deep down, I glowed with warmth when I saw you coming towards me, iced lollies in hand.

  • when you playfully pinched my nose and circled your arms protectively around my waist.

  • when you ruffled my hair, patted me on the head, proceeded to call me a "Good girl" (which provoked me into a ballistic outburst, all under false pretense) and then, planted little pecks on my head (to make up for it).

I remembered every single moment, every minute (pronounced as 'my-newt') detail. It doesn't count on how insignificant or how trivial, it mattered to me.

All of it is stored up in my memory box, and once in awhile, I would permit myself to open it up and look through the contents, just for old times' sake.

Like today, for instance.

After long last, I mustered up the courage. To finally undo the lock, unlatch its' hinges and recollect the story behind every single image I've saved up (not that I am divulging all here, I still maintain a sense of privacy) and being willing to share them with someone else.

A private smile crosses my lips, resting contentedly, knowing because of you: I am a whole different being.

And, how could I possibly forget today? The day where you reach adulthood, suiting up to prepare for the world. I have nothing but best wishes for you, in all your undertakings and future conquests.

I hope one day, when our paths cross once again, I'd look into your eyes (while offering you a smile) and find you smiling back at me, with that same twinkle sparkling from your eyes.

Happy Birthday!



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