
Time with Tinki Talks and JZ

By Melissa - Thursday, February 13, 2014

We (Tinki Talks and I) have been planning for a much-needed talk and catch up time from pre-Christmas days, and none of it has materialised because of our conflicting schedules.

The stars finally aligned in our favour earlier this week, and I got to meet her and her little man tonight.

I brought over our favourite ice-cream flavour and we had it in bed, as supper. 


Dearest Tinki Talks,

Tonight felt a lot like two years ago, when we were FaceTiming at 1 in the morning because you couldn't sleep and I happened to not have class the next day. I'm glad we got 'our' time. Next time around, we're gonna have our fill of Bee Hooi's pizza and popiah. Promise. :)

Chatty Lass. 

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