10 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me

By Melissa - Thursday, January 15, 2009

(in no specific order of importance)

  1. I love potatoes. I think they are the best form of vegetables (or should I categorise it as carbs under the food pyramid?) God has ever created.

    I like them in any possible way that they could be eaten: mashed, boiled, sauteed, baked with sour cream... The list goes on. But I do not fancy fries though, I can’t figure out why just yet.

  2. I hate ironing. I just loathe it. I would do anything in order to bribe my mum to do it for me.

  3. I am not a morning person. Save all your appointments or dates with me till after 12, unless you would like to have breakfast with Grumpy Lass.

  4. I love instant noodles with eggs. This is a love, I will admit that has never parted from me since I was a child. Given the opportunity, I would eat it every, single day.

  5. I take time off to talk to myself when I'm annoyed or irritated (I’d talk to myself, even if you are standing right in my face).

    If I ever mumble or utter words in a low voice in your presence, chances are you have gotten on my nerves so it would be best to turn around, walk away and leave me alone.

  6. I adore giving out hugs and getting hugs in return.

    I believe the simple gesture ameliorates a situation, no matter how preposterous it is. I will gladly take all the hugs I can get and return you with ten times more =)

  7. I love fragrances and perfumes.

    I spritz them on my wrists, rub them together and smear them on my collarbone.

    Christian Dior and Chanel are my favourites. A alluring whiff of perfume will instantly brighten up my day.

  8. I deeply appreciate honesty and directness. Just get to the point, at all times. Don’t beat around the bush, my brain finds it exceedingly difficult to comprehend pre-intended message.

  9. The Notebook is the first romance movie which made me shed buckets of tears.

    I’ve recoiled from shows, movies or books with elements of romance in them for the longest time and watching The Notebook has enabled me to believe in love again.

  10. I nearly set my house on fire once.

    Don’t ever trust the instructions on the back of those Filo cheese-filled balls. In the instructions section, it says to pour oil into a saucepan and let it heat up. I left it for 5minutes, just 5 miniscule minutes, I returned to find my pot on fire.

    To make matters worse, I doused water on it with intent to put out the fire. (I was only 9 then, so gimme a break *grins sheepishly*)

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