
6/100 - Strength We Never Thought We Had

By Melissa - Tuesday, January 19, 2016

I was speaking to Little Mermaid all through yesterday and somewhere between our banter about make-up, the weather and life updates, I remember telling her this:

“Sometimes, the worst situations bring out the strength in us, strength we never thought we had.”  

It is in those moments when we are rendered powerless, when our legs feel like giving out on us, when our shoulders feel like crumbling because the weight of the world seems too much to bear, when being strong is no longer a choice, but a necessity…

Walking on a bed of spikes with the fires of hell ablaze on every side of the room? Been there.

Floundering as the waves of life come crashing over you, with no warning and no help? Done that.

Darkness seemed so deep, then. Pain seemed permanent, then.

One day, just like that, it all went away. Light burst forth and life happened in technicolor once again.

I realised then, night is just passing through and winter is but a season.

I didn't elaborate further, but that part about the "strength we never thought we had"? Never mine, all His. And for that, I am ever grateful. Because on my own, I would have never made it through.

We are made for more. So much more.

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