
Season of Valleys & Dry Bones

By Melissa - Thursday, August 07, 2014

After living for a sum total of 25++ years, there is much about living in this world that I still don't understand and find very hard to get.

Two of the greatest for me is injustice and suffering.

I have grappled deeply with both these few months, and it has been a season of valleys and dry bones at this point in my life.

The pain is real and the questions are many, most if not all, are unanswered.

This season has been unfathomably difficult, and in as much as my family, dearest friends and closest confidantes have been there for me, supporting me with prayers and words of encouragement (SO grateful for their lives), only God truly comprehends the depth of my pain, has seen every tear shed, heard the muffled sobs and feels the heart-aching sorrow in my soul which (on occasion) has made breathing laborious, instead of effortless, as it should be.

In this season, I have learned and am still learning that no matter how we may handle the hard things in life, it is only because of The Gospel do we have hope to make it through.

The Gospel gives hope in brokenness, the "how can I ever be made whole again" kind of brokenness.

It has covered my doubts, fears and even anger at times.
It has given me faith to trust Him when the horizon of Victory wasn't visible.
It has imbued me with strength to continue to do what is right and to walk in obedience to Him and Him alone when no one else seems to understand.
It has comforted me when the pain was unbearable.
It has kept me with the hope of restoration and the making of "all things new" one day.

Above all, it has promised that He will carry me till the end.

In due time, I am believing that this season of valleys and dry bones shall pass and I'll come out on the other side of this mountain, victorious.

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