
The Weekend That Was - Friday Night-In, Smoky Sunday + Extra Day Off

By Melissa - Monday, June 09, 2014

Friday (June 6th, 2014)

AM: Work.

PM: Stayed home for the night, as we had a guest over for dinner.

 Saturday (June 7th, 2014)

AM: Lingered a little longer than I should in bed, torn between two lovers: Brunch or Sleeping In... In the end, Food won. My bed is not too pleased with that decision, needless to say. 

PM: Attended my cousin's wedding dinner. Couldn't help but notice that her hairstyle bore a striking resemblance to Elsa's, from Disney's Frozen.

My outfit for the night - LBD and peep-toe stilettos.

Sunday (June 8th, 2014)

AM: Church. 

I was there by 9:15am for worship practice and one of the switches at the third floor went up in flames. Thankfully, the fire was extinguished immediately and no one was hurt.

PM: Lunch-cum-youth-committee-meeting, followed by X-Men: Days of Future Past and Jap (for dinner) with my two favourites.

I was swooning over Hugh Jackman's toned arms and slithery veins for almost the entire movie. His handsome face and mega hot physique aside, I think that this is the best of all the X-Men installments. The stunts were dazzling, the script was clever and the effects were spectacular AND hilarious. 

Monday (June 9th, 2014)

AM:  Woke up; relishing the lovely fact that my alarm didn't need to go off at 6:45am today because Work doesn't start until tomorrow.

Noon: The beauty of getting the day off (replacement holiday) is found in the littlest things... such as, being able to cook your own lunch. 


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