
My Faithful Protector

By Melissa - Thursday, February 06, 2014

Just when I thought Injustice was going to prevail this time around and I would have to suck it all up as part of my career advancement, my God swoops in and takes over… with impeccable timing.

My heart was heavy and my mind was dwindling back and forth on decisions that I thought I needed to make, as I drove to work this morning. I quickly realised that none of this worrying was doing me any good, so I took a deep breath and began to just worship and thank Him for who He is. Immediately, I felt the spirit of heaviness being eclipsed by a sense of His transcending peace.

I got into the office and didn't even have to utter a single word to paint a picture of my situation when my boss informed me of a meeting that took place earlier today. In that meeting, everything was sorted out and delegated as it should have been from the beginning. On top of that, my boss mentioned a couple of things to me that made me glow with warmth and happiness.

Thank you, Jesus, my faithful Protector. My life is truly safe when it is in Your hands. 

"The Lord is faithful, He will strengthen you and protect you…"
(2 Thessalonians 3:3)

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