
Stupidity - Today's Social Disease

By Melissa - Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Some time back, during my uni days, I was in a tutorial - bored out of my skull and I was having a staring competition with the iMac in front of me (The iMac won, needless to say) - when my lecturer asked the class to come up with a list of ten social diseases that are plaguing today's society. 

A little while later, he (my lecturer) circled the classroom and inspected our lists. I reluctantly showed him mine. 

He surveyed my handwritten list, and burst out laughing a few seconds later. He proceeded to tell me - still choking back some of his chuckles - that stupidity is most certainly NOT a social disease. 

And now, 1.5 years later, I am pretty certain that my lecturer was wrong… Stupidity is a social disease. 

Allow me to convince you by directing you to this post:






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