R & R

By Melissa - Sunday, October 05, 2008


I am back. My apologies for not updating my blog and posting new entries. I went off with Le Family to the KL for a short R&R as well as retail therapy.

I did not buy much. But Daddy did make me a very happy girl when he got me a new pair of Nike Air and my, are they gorgeous.. And not only are they pleasing to the eyes, they are of extreme comfort to my feet. I fell in love with them as soon as I laid eyes on them, after looking through so many stores ( I am extremely fussy )

Anyway, what I wanted to talk about was not about the things I got but of something that annoyed me very much. I had to hold it in me for two whole days before being able to blog about it. So, here goes...

It happened in the elevator I was riding. The elevator doors opened when the bell chimed 'Ding', and I was about to exit. But my intention to do so was cut short when the awaiting passengers outside poured into my path and completely overwhelmed me. I was shocked and very much irritated by this rude behaviour. Normal, polite and civic minded people would usually stand to the side of the elevator, wait till all the passengers exit, and then enter. But not here, no siree.. These people are so worried that they won't be able to catch the next elevator that they resort to being so utterly senseless and not to mention, just plain rude. And this happened not once to me, but TWICE ! You could say that I was more than irritated when this occured.

No wonder Malaysians are voted as one of the least polite people in survey polls, recorded by Reader's Digest. I wouldn't dare to imagine what those visiting Malaysia would think of us. Also, we lack the usage of the simple 'Please' and 'Thank-You'. Those are the basic and fundamental values of a person. These are things taught to all of us from the very day we were born, our preschool teachers arduously instilling them in us while we were in preschool, and not to mention our parents constantly drilling those words in our heads. But still, many times in vain.

I am very particular when it comes to mannerisms and ettiquettes. Not to be high and mighty about it, or all Western, but I personally believe that this is the very substance of who a person is. Your manners are the first impression you leave, and it will be the defining point of who you really are. And I am thankful to have parents who are so meticulous about this, that I am brought up with the full awareness of being polite and well-mannered. And, I am going to make sure that when I have my lovely children in the future, they are going to be the most well-mannered children there is.

So, all of this boils down to upbringing as well as culture and in the end, who we choose to be. If I were to be elected Prime Minister ( That is a very far-fetched idea, it looks silly even as I am typing it, thus the bold impression ), perhaps the first thing I would implement is for the citizens of Malaysia to be enrolled to preschool again, to re-learn all the basic values.

Just a thought....

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