
I'll Be There, It's A Promise

By Melissa - Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Every great friendship has a story, and I'm rather fond of this one.

I love that this friendship is forged because of a love for anything and everything creative, and I am amazed at how strong a bond can be formed when the foundation is right. 

Sure, Life has led us to different paths and for the most part, we are not in the same state or continent; but today, as I sat across from the both of you and was left in stitches, it felt a lot like four years ago (in a heartwarming, reminiscent kind of way). 

I remember the last day of our time at HCC, which happened to also be the final day of our PR and Advertising project like it was only yesterday. We rallied through the days, did our utmost best to earn our diplomas, and we were completely drained - wanting nothing else than to get it done and over with. 

To wrap up the entire final year project, speeches were made by our lecturers and after that, Mariah Carey's (originally sung by The Jackson 5) I'll Be There resonated in the main hall. 

The three of us linked arms, bobbed our heads to the beat of the song and sang along with it (rather shrilly, if I recall correctly). A little while later, Jerry bent his head down and wiped away a tear (or two, HAHAHAHA). We joked about it (again, and again, and again) but deep down, I know that if left a little longer to our sappy side, both Debra and myself would have teared up too.

It was one of those moments… one that I'll cherish for a long, long time.


Dearest Jerry and Debra,

Breakfast this AM was excellent, but it has got nothing on your company. 

I love how easily we jive, gel and not take everything too seriously. It makes me truly happy just by knowing that our friendship is one that is built to last and meant for the long haul. 

Thank you for inspiring me, in ways more than one.

Wherever Life may take us, when it counts, I'll be there (as Jerry's favourite song says *grins*). That's a promise. 


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