
To my darling friend...

By Melissa - Saturday, March 21, 2009

Dear sweetheart,

I know what you are going through right now is tough, difficult, painful (all the emotions we'd rather deny and wish we would never have to experience).

I so wish I could tell you that it would not hurt, you will be alright and are going to be able to move along with life as usual, but I will not shield from you the truth and I will tell you this: Life will never be the same again.

The person who thinks the world of you, the person who had you as the apple of his eyes, the person who gave you piggy-back rides, the person who nurtured you, the person who just simply loved you for who you are, no longer remains as part of your daily life.

I know the customary ordeal is over but, reality would have just begun to sink in.

I know that he will be all around you. For instance, when you chance upon his favourite food, when you stumble upon little keepsakes he once lavished on you, when the song he loves to listen to plays on the radio. I know those moments will cause you to writhe with sadness, be engulfed with sudden pangs of loss and you will inexplicably shed tears.

I know too, words in itself, will never comfort you. All the hugs given, condolences sent, love words spoken with intention to console, will not suffice. The grief may seem too much to bear, the loss too sudden to cope with.

I never got to know him personally but, as I hear stories of him from you and during the eulogy, I smiled with recognition.

I realised that although he may not be with us here in person anymore, he left a little bit of himself behind, in YOU. His gruff but loving demeanor, his kind heart, his devotion to friendship are the traits that you've inherited, whether or not you realised it.

Let fond memories of him stay in your heart. Continue to love and remember him, but do not let regret and the 'I-should-have's cripple you from enjoying and living life to its fullest.

My 20(19++) years on this Earth has not imbued in me much, when it comes to verbalizing how I feel and offering words of comfort. I am well-aware where self-expression is concerned, writing is more of my department.

This post is especially for you, Annie.

Thank you for standing by me when the waves of life came crashing over me. Thank you for never leaving my side during those trying times. Thank you for bearing with me through the years. I hope, in a tiny way, this would let you know that through this, I am by your side, my hand in yours and yours in mine.

Love you,


"A friend is someone who loves you for who you are, at all times, no matter what happens, stands by with you through thick and thin, is not afraid to tell you when you're being silly and tells you everything will be alright, even when all hell has broken loose."

Melissa Cheah - September 17th, 2008


P/S: Annie's beloved daddy passed away on Tuesday morning (March 17th, 2009).

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