
A New Method Of Showing Off: Humble Bragging

By Melissa - Tuesday, June 10, 2014

"Perhaps the less we have, the more we are required to brag."

John Steinback (East of Eden)


Of late, I've taken notice of an excruciating rise of humble brags on social media (namely Facebook and personal blogs). And, it's pissing me off, exceedingly.

What is the humble brag, I hear you ask? (That's a rhetorical question. This post cannot go on without the next part, so you're just gonna have to bear with me.)

The humble brag is when someone shows off something while simultaneously attempt to conceal it by throwing in terms of self inadequacy. Example: "Oh my... I can't believe that a lowly journalist as myself has been commissioned to write the story of the century."

If you'd like to brag, then for the love of everything good and true.. go all out and be like Kanye about it. Quit hiding behind faux humility and mock modesty. The trend to mask it by adding self-deprecating lines isn't fooling anyone.

I think that the classic proverb, "One who lacks substance boasts the loudest" stands true, regardless of the era or generation.

I'm not writing about this from an unknown position, I'm speaking this with full confidence that is backed by years of experience. That isn't showing off, that is a fact.

Through the years, I've taken on projects which have required hours upon hours of planning, costed me sleepless nights and had been given the supreme pleasure of working with chauvinistic men (boys would be a better term), only to look from afar when they receive truckloads of thanks for the work they did not do.

Yet with all that happening, I see no purpose in writing about it on social media for validation.

I am aware that the pervasiveness of social media is partly to blame for this. We're all prone to this, thanks to the ability to instantly publish status updates and upload pictures with our mobile devices. However, the humble brag takes an insane amount of pride in sharing their achievements with as many people as possible through this outlet, often in lieu of having anything worth listening to say.

Word to the wise: Nobody likes a show-off. (Phony humble ones included.) 

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