
Year End Hols - Day Two

By Melissa - Thursday, January 02, 2014

AM: Woke up, not-so-bright but early, to spend my New Year's Eve morning with one of my dearest friends. 

Soul mate, we're two peas in a pod and I'm glad we found each other. Life wouldn't be the same without you. Love you and love us. 

Noon: After breakfast, we (my sleepover guest, my sister and I) all went back for a quick nap and headed out for lunch when we felt the sun piercing through the curtain and burning our cheeks. 

The famous Weld Quay nasi lemak. 

PM: Night out with my family and two uncles. I went to bed that night, grateful for the gift of family and thankful that I am placed in mine. No better feeling for my heart to be blanketed with, as I watched the lights of 2013 dim, flicker and go out. 

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