
Best Friends ARE Forever

By Melissa - Sunday, November 10, 2013

Deelle and Mellie - Est. since 2007


Dear Deelle,

We're 3719 miles apart and the last time we really spoke to each other was a couple of months back (busy and conflicting schedules do that, even to the best of friends).

But today, I am reminded that with some things, there really is forever. 

It is as if no time had passed since we last spoke. 

In a world that is plagued with people who have more than one face (figuratively) and infested with people who do not mean what they say, the honesty, transparency and authenticity that we share is something that is extremely comforting and of great worth to me. I treasure it more than you would ever know.

Come January, we will have 10 packets of nasi lemak EACH (spread over a few days la, okay? I don't want to have a coronary), I promise. 

Love you heaps,
Mellie May. 

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