
Yours Alone

By Melissa - Thursday, May 30, 2013

7:20 AM -- Reached the office, chowed down some breakfast, plugged in my earpods, placed my music player on 'Shuffle' and Work began.

I wasn't paying exclusive attention to the verse and chorus of the song, but as the music crescendos - signifying that the bridge was in motion - I heard lyrics that captured my heart and awoke my spirit...

"No power can stand against You
No curse assault Your throne
No one can steal Your glory
For it is Yours alone..."

This was not the first time I had heard the song; I've listened to it many many times when I first bought the album on iTunes. 

But this morning, something clicked deep within me and there was a paradigm shift in my heart of hearts in knowing that HE has the final say and the last word.

We live in a fallen world. And in this world, Injustice governs and, Greed, Fame and Self are the currencies by which people live their lives. 

However, as I listened to the bridge of the song, there was a new revelation that anchored my faith and reminded me that while the Prince of the Air may try his level best to bring about confusion and promote values that are in contradiction to all that God stands for (righteousness, holiness, purity, love, patience, hope, kindness, redemption... the list goes on and on and on), his efforts will roll away like sea billows when the King of Glory returns.

When that day comes, what a phenomenal day and stunning sight it will be...


The full song: 

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