
The Lowdown

By Melissa - Thursday, June 18, 2009

I talk, all the time. I have my quiet times too, but my mouth is usually in an operative mode.

Somehow or other, despite of talking to a different set of people daily, I find myself reinstating my values and beliefs. There seem to be just enough room for coincidences to occur, for the topic of conversation to deviate and be diverted to a similiar explanatory answer.

That is a cruel coincidence, my friends.

Imagine a re-telling of my beliefs, reaffirming of my principles, reestablishing of what I believe in and what I do not, more than 5 times a day.

Even my hyperactive mouth is complaining of an over-exercise.

So, I came to the next best thing to do. I have decided to write a post, citing an ultimatum, a lowdown, as to what I think is not alright and why I am came to such a conclusion.

When I say something, it goes and I stick to it. I could not, for a moment, be bothered if the rest of the world gives a thumbs-up to it, if I decide it is not alright, it means it is not alright.

First question I was asked, What Is My Take On Couples Living Together Before Marriage?

I say, it is a big no-no.

Look, I know many of you do not share my standing when it comes to religion, and the last thing on Earth I would want to do is bore you to death with what you'd deem as long-winded nonsense. My reasons would be based on my rationale.

Some whom I've talked to spoke on the importance of this, to introduce a commitment to the current relationship as well as by moving in together, you'd actually know your other half better.

Now, in the first place, your whole relationship is a commitment. You start something, you are accountable to it. You already made a commitment. Moving in together is not good enough as proof.

Might I suggest that it is more for a satisfactory reason, a perfect excuse for lust to develop and will end with you two in a bed?

Do not be foolish. Love does not spell sex, neither should relationships be promoted as a free-for-all invitation.

Therefore, because I've touched on that, I will move on to the second question posed to me. Which happens to be, What Is A Relationship (in my opinion) and What Should A Relationship Be?

I kicked it off by saying that love does not spell sex and an entry into a relationship does not automatically translate into a free-for-all invitation. If I might add, I would also say that girls does not equate plaything or toys.

A relationship should never be built on the basis of lust. A successful relationship is when understanding comes that no matter how much in common there is, it is still a coming together, a merge of two distinctive separate individuals. The only time when they are one is the time they are joined by holy matrimony.

If you notice in the reading of vows, a part comes where "Forsaking others for the one I have chosen" is recited. A relationship should begin, with that inscription worn across your heart.

Feelings are a powerful force. When pleasant feelings rise, a propelling of goodwill and joy occurs. When disdain and hurtful feelings are provoked and aroused, a full-fledged and unsightly monstrosity would incur.

Thus, where instances are seen before my eyes when people are in relationships for intentions not pure, with ulterior motives, I get pissed off. I get upset. Most of the time.

I always wish for people to take a step back, not be carried away by the heat of the moment, then arrive at the rightful decision.

I have time left to address another question. I pick the Why Not Have Sex Before Marriage? question.

Ladies and gentlemen, folks, my dear Readers, just because everyone in Grey's Anatomy and Gossip Girls is sleeping with everyone, does not make the hoo-haa a valid mores to be practised.

Rounds of one-night stand, boinking a guy/gal for an elevated status in society (better grades, fame, popularity or self-gratification... Feel free to fill in the blank) is primate, animal-esque.

Max as smart as he is, he cannot reason. He does not see logic in why he has to celibate till his wedding night (Or the wrong in doing every female dog ovulating within the vicinity).

But you, YOU are granted with logic, a mind to comprehend and reason. Which is why you don't roll over when I command you to, or do it when I dangle a treat before you.

The fact that you chose to go with doing that just amplifies that not only do you not have ethics, you have no moral values.

Sure, boasting the number of your conquests into bed would be accorded to Oohs, Aahs and Wows amongst your peers. Look at it 10 years down the road, when all in your peer group are married.

The novelty wears off, buddy. You are secretly gonna wish (It'll bruise your pride and ego to admit it) that you have a someone you can come back to every night, a person who has pledged to love you till death parts both of you.

Take it from people whom I've talked to, it is worth the wait.

P/S: I dedicate this post to both my parents.

Daddy and Mummy,

Thank you for bringing me up in the way you do (For the times I have grunted, resented and called you Mr and Mrs Nazi, I apologize).

Your commitment to one another, your dedication to your marriage is an amazing eye-opener to me. I know, because of your love for Christ, you raised
me up according to His Word.

In what you have done, I am convinced God has blessed your marriage in return.

Thank you. I love the both of you.

PP/S: I wish I could go on further, my eyes are failing me however. If there is a need for clarification on anything, drop me a line at 'Comments'.

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