

By Melissa - Friday, February 27, 2009

I said I was going to get some well-deserved rest and not blog, write or compose anything.

I did, yesterday.

Today is a whole new day, however. I gave Max a bath and now, he looks so fluffy ( much more than before ) and he smells like a million dollars. So, instead of gushing about him, I will patrionize you with some pics.

P/S: I wanted to capture more shots of him, but he wouldn't let me. I should run to the pet store and buy him his treats, instead of bribing him with Honeystars. He is not as fond of it, when compared to his regular beef jerky or milk sticks.

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This little guy certainly knows how to captivate his Mummy's heart and make it crumble to a thousand pieces. When he looks at me with those gorgeous brown eyes, I just pull him close and plant one on him.

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