
The Heart, matters

By Melissa - Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Many times in life, we go through difficult moments and trying times. Some which will hurt you, and leave you scarred for life. Others are perpetual humps and bumps of life’s journey that have to be faced to complete the race.

Just recently, I had to overcome yet another hurdle. And to say that I was not overwhelmed with pangs of hurt would mean that I am living in self-denial.

In the course of living, we come into contact with people. Numerically, we will not be able to keep track because we see new faces daily. Often when I come across people, I tend to analyse and observe them. This might seem like an unhealthy habit, but I enjoy doing it. And for the record, this does not have anything to do with my fascination for behavioural science.

Truth to be told, humans are the greatest actors, actresses and impersonators. In our private world, we could live in a fantasy bubble till our heart’s content. Be it as an epic legend, hero or heroine or any other characters we aspire to be. That’s not crazy but some take it overboard by applying that concept in real life. They put up a front, act to be someone they’re not and in short, a phoney.

No matter how good of a front that has been put up ( even to the extent of hurting those around you, unknowingly or knowingly ), the one thing in you that will never lie is your heart. The heart is said to be the wellspring of life. And I am not just talking about this from a religious point of view. In literal, word for word meaning, the heart is the wellspring of life. Your brain can be dead, but if your heart still beats, even faintly, you are alive. But if the heart stops, nothing else can be done to resuscitate you.

Having walked this labyrinth journey close to two decades, my experiences are little, I must admit but this I know, the attitude of your heart is of utmost importance. For example, an assignment given if done half-heartedly would produce lacklustre results. And in my area of serving, if my heart is not right, I would affect those around me.

I choose to not let the situations I face dictate the condition of my heart. I will most certainly admit that it is not easy, but I know when my heart is set firm on the One who loves me and has called me by name, I will be able to push through the veil of hurt and into the fullness of His glory.

With my very core being healed, I am once again looking forward to advance the world of unlimited possibilities and unbounded beauty.

"Never let the doubts in our head rob us from the faith in our hearts"
Melissa Cheah - October 21st, 2008

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