Travel Log - Hong Kong (July 2015) | Part TWO

By Melissa - Monday, August 10, 2015

A continuation from Part One, which has taken its fair time in the making because I've been playing catch-up with Work (not a very fun game, I must say).

My schedule is ridiculously packed till the end of the month - more traveling, no complaints whatsoever there. So, I figured that I'd better get on to complete this travel log before it goes up in smoke.


From where I left off, places which we visited (alphabetically) during our 6D5N holiday trip...

4. Jordan

We ate some of HK's classic dishes in this district.

Notable places to visit if you are in Jordan:

• Yee Shun Milk Company

The macaroni soup and sandwich weren't great, but the steamed milk pudding was incredible. My mouth still waters at the thought of it.

• Australian Dairy Company

Where the fluffiest of scrambled eggs ever made was crafted to perfection. Soooooooooo delish!

• Mak's Noodles

The wonton noodles made such an impression on the both of us that we had it twice, and it was just as amazing at this outlet.

5. Mongkok

Home ground for us during this trip. Our hotel was located here, there was an Esprit outlet store a stone's throw away and most of our late dinners / suppers were enjoyed on the streets of Mongkok.


My first burger in over 3 months, my 2nd one this year and I had to make it count. So, we ordered one with bacon in it.

6. Wan Chai

Two words: Oddies Foodies.

Another two words: BEST GELATO EVER! Alright, that's three words, but let's not let minor trivialities come between us. Behold... The glorious mounds of icy goodness...

7. Yau Ma Tei

This district was the nearest to us (it was only one MTR stop away) but as it turned out, we visited it on our final night in HK. All just to have a taste of what I read to be 'the best curry fishballs in HK'.

The patrons spilled over the sidewalk of the famed stall, making it easily recognisable.

I had curry fishballs every single night when I was there and this one tops the pyramid of deliciousness. 

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