Turning 24: 24 Life Lessons, Quotes and Wisdom Learned
By Melissa - Friday, April 12, 2013
I woke up with a year added to my age, and I decided that instead of bemoaning the fact that I still have nothing to my name, I will write an entry on all that I have learned and discovered along the way.
Here we go...
1. God is good.
- He has always been, is and forever will be.
2. Family (and that includes family pet/s) is the next best thing after God.
3. Choose your friends wisely.
- Surround yourself with people who truly love you and want the best for you; people who build up, not put you down.
4. Invest in lives.
- The return may not come when you expect it to (there may be disappointments and shortcomings), but in the long run, it is worth it. SO worth it.
5. Eat that cupcake.
- To all with a hearty appetite for dessert, I suggest that you eat that (insert your favourite dessert) - in moderation. Calories shouldn't win all the time, anyway.
- Don't stop dreaming. Never stop believing.
- "Failure is not falling down, it is staying down." (James Patterson)
- Counted the cost, paid the price and I live with no regrets weighing me down. I do what I do with utmost pride and immense love.
- To live by the praises of men also means that you will die by their criticism.
- One of the best lessons I have discovered in 24 years - "Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a King." (Bill Johnson)
- Forget good looks, being coy or flirtatious, or profuse flow of honeyed words. Using (I said using, not having) your brains is the way to go.
19. Tomorrow WILL come.
- A legacy lives on forever in the hearts of those whom you've touched.
- Doesn't matter if you can't agree on cake or ice-cream for dessert, or whom you think is tackier - Edward or Jacob (I hate Twilight altogether, so it doesn't really matter). Celebrate differences. Better yet, make the most out of them; they can be reasons for new experiences and fresh perspectives.
22. Read more. Write more. Travel more. Laugh more. Do more of what makes you happy.
23. Give Change a little more space in your life.
- Change is often shunned like a leper, for most people. However, I've slowly come to terms that Change adds spice and zest to our otherwise mundane life. So, say it with me... "Change is good!"
- We let the day slip by without saying enough 'I Love You'-s. Love strong. Love passionately. Love without reservation. Love, forever and always.