Turning 24: 24 Life Lessons, Quotes and Wisdom Learned

By Melissa - Friday, April 12, 2013


I woke up with a year added to my age, and I decided that instead of bemoaning the fact that I still have nothing to my name, I will write an entry on all that I have learned and discovered along the way. 

Here we go...






1. God is good. 
- He has always been, is and forever will be. 

2. Family (and that includes family pet/s) is the next best thing after God.

3. Choose your friends wisely.
- Surround yourself with people who truly love you and want the best for you; people who build up, not put you down.

5. Eat that cupcake.
- To all with a hearty appetite for dessert, I suggest that you eat that (insert your favourite dessert) - in moderation. Calories shouldn't win all the time, anyway.

- Don't stop dreaming. Never stop believing.

- Counted the cost, paid the price and I live with no regrets weighing me down. I do what I do with utmost pride and immense love. 

- To live by the praises of men also means that you will die by their criticism.

- One of the best lessons I have discovered in 24 years - "Rule with the heart of a servant. Serve with the heart of a King." (Bill Johnson) 

- Forget good looks, being coy or flirtatious, or profuse flow of honeyed words. Using (I said using, not having) your brains is the way to go. 

19. Tomorrow WILL come. 

- A legacy lives on forever in the hearts of those whom you've touched.

- Doesn't matter if you can't agree on cake or ice-cream for dessert, or whom you think is tackier - Edward or Jacob (I hate Twilight altogether, so it doesn't really matter). Celebrate differences. Better yet, make the most out of them; they can be reasons for new experiences and fresh perspectives. 

22. Read more. Write more. Travel more. Laugh more. Do more of what makes you happy.

23. Give Change a little more space in your life.
- Change is often shunned like a leper, for most people. However, I've slowly come to terms that Change adds spice and zest to our otherwise mundane life. So, say it with me... "Change is good!"

- We let the day slip by without saying enough 'I Love You'-s. Love strong. Love passionately. Love without reservation. Love, forever and always. 

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