
Sneak Peek

By Melissa - Monday, March 09, 2009

When I wrote the entry entitled 'Rest', I mentioned of wanting to rest, after doing so much sharing. I also did specified that that particular entry would make it's debut only 2weeks after I wrote it, which was on February 26th, meaning the publication date would be March 16th ( I said 2weeks as it undoubtedly sounds better than 2weeks and 2 days, or 16days. Eventhough I have left school for sometime, I am still in tune with counting. Maths was one of my best subjects *gloats* )

Anyhoo, I have had numerous questions, badgering is more like it ( "Why does it have to be published then?", "Can I get an exclusive preview?","Please, please, please. Lemmie read a bit first", so on and so forth. You get it. ). To keep some of the relentlessness at bay ( and because I am such a good soul *flips hair* ), I will let down my guard of secrecy and allow a teaser.

This is an excerpt from I remembered... ( See, I even decided to give you the title... ),

"After long last, I mustered up the courage. To finally undo the lock, unlatch its hinges and recollect the story behind every single image I've saved up and being willing to share them with someone else. A private smile crosses my lips, resting contentedly, knowing because of you: I am a whole different being."

Hang in there. The countdown begins, as of now...

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