Four (Make that Six) Months Worth of Updates

By Melissa - Thursday, December 13, 2012

I have not been updating this space for the longest time. Two days short of four months, to be exact. And, I haven't been writing consistently for months prior to this hiatus either.

I stopped writing not for the lack of happenings in my life, but for the overabundance of it. I realised that I wanted - needed, in fact - to take things in as they come and let them be as they pass; that it was fine and alright to let some things be just for me.

So, monumental transitions and happy news for the past six months...

*Click on the image to enlarge*

First row (L to R)
: Last night with my bestie who did her final semester in the land of scones and tea // Last ladies cake (inside joke) hangout session with Dee Dee, who is continuing her degree Down Under // First (which has now become the unofficial tradition - an oxymoron, I know) very successful dinner party The Muncheros had at my place. 

Second row (L to R): Preaching engagement at GCC, SP - First time ministering outside of my home church. Message title was 'One Life, One God' // November 8th, 2012 - Final all-nighter. The end of life as a student // Time off in Singapore with my family. 

Third row (L to R): November 19th, 2012 - Began my internship at HELLO! magazine // Learned that my little sunshine is little no longer, she's becoming a big sister in 6.5 months time // A dear friend (and fellow blogger) had her first child - A baby boy. Can't wait to see him soon enough.

Granted, there are several other things which have been and are going on, but I'll save them for later... Maybe in another four (or six?) months time... ;) 

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