As I am writing this, I have to be awake in less than 5 hours time.
Physically, I am worn out. Completely spent.
But, it is ONLY in His presence where I am truly renewed, refreshed and recharged. No where else, no other way.
It’s funny, I’ve seen people (and I myself, sometimes) have tried to look for ways and means to recharge and reenergise in every way possible, except to go to the Source of Rest Himself.
I’ve said before, I despise early mornings. I love to sleep-in, late. (As of now, doing that would be an opulent luxury.)
However, my morning routine has changed (since early this year).
I took advantage of the 10 (or sometimes 15) minutes drive to my college, for it to be a morning chat with my Heavenly Daddy.
And, I’ve been SO blessed.
Some mornings, I would go on and on, not wanting the drive to end. On other days, His presence would just fill my entire car that I am found weeping (I have to admit, that is a little dangerous – having misty eyes is not good for driving – AND weird).
Then again, I sincerely love it.
So much so that I actually have something to look forward to every morning.
I see it as a morning chat. Sometimes, it is a kiss from above, a priceless one.
I’m encouraging you to do the same. You will find and experience so much, with just a little change in your daily routine.
Much love,