The Story

By Melissa - Thursday, November 06, 2008

I did not at any point feel the need to publish such a post regarding the recent sightings in my college premises. There were many sides and angles to the story, but the last straw came when a close friend mentioned to me that a pea-sized brain college-mate had foolishly publicized the story on her blog. I concluded after reading it, she clearly does not have any sense of wisdom whatsoever and obtaining a 4.0CGPA does not heighten her intelligence by one bit. ( I blogged about this, “ Being hardworking does not make you smart”, but I refrained from publishing the post because of my turn-over-a-new-leaf effort to stop being such a critic, but I am afraid the effort was pretty much in vain, yet again ).

I am indeed a true believer of being upfront and outspoken, to speak your mind. But sometimes and only sometimes, some things are better of left unsaid.

However, this post will not be a re-telling in my version of the tale. Neither will it be giving you the folklore advice to wear garlic around your neck at all times to ward away such things.

All these spirits are real, and they exist. From the seemingly harmless horoscope reading to tarot card, spirit-of-the-coin, visiting haunted sites and other plethora of methods to gain encounters with the spirits, these forces are not meant to be trifled with. Shows such as Charmed and The Collector are said to be for entertainment purposes, but look behind the history of the rites and rituals. They are replicas of the real-life rituals still practiced in various parts of the world today. These are not just spirits, they are demonic forces. There will be no trial-run or testing the waters where these matters are concerned, it is the real deal. Meddle with it and it will be to the point of no return.

Don’t say, it is because I want to experience it, to know what it is like. Curiosity killed the cat, don’t let it kill you, be it emotionally or spiritually. The ‘I-have-to-fall-in order-to-learn’ argument might arise, but sometimes you don’t have to fall just to learn.
If you know the obvious, don’t question it. If you already know the truth, then let it set you free.
Besides, in what circumstance has engaging in this realm benefitted anyone? None has lived to tell the tale of being blessed in life because of encountering and being involved with it.

Beyond all this, I just want to let this be known: The King of Light engaged in a life-and-death duel with the Prince of Darkness, just to save you. He did it so you do not have to live a life condemned to darkness and subjected to death. He did it because He loves you with His life.

Grow with maturity in Him and you’ll find meaning and fulfillment to your existence...

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