

By Melissa - Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Alright alright, I have not vanished from the face of the Earth.

I've been catching up on movies. I went to watch Death Race. It's a good show, well on the account that there's Jason Statham and great graphics. I would have liked it much better if they had raced with cars though, instead of those giant monster trucks doubling up as killing machines.

Then, there was the premiere of The Love Guru. From the movie trailer, it looked like a funny plus watch-worthy movie. Annie and I wanted to watch it but Daddy beat us both to it. He bought the DVD. The show was completely and utterly senseless, and not to mention downright silly. Some of the jokes made, doesn't even make any sense. Watch it only if you are a die-hard Jessica Alba fan or you'd like to watch Justin Timberlake in his first comedy stint.

*For those of you looking for a show to have a good laugh over, there's always White Chicks and The Pink Panther and I would like to throw in another recommendation : Death At A Funeral.

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The cast may not be well-known to many as this is an English movie but it will not fail to entertain you. From the beginning till the very end. Give it a shot, you will not be disappointed.

Moving on, presenting my latest muse..

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My very own pair of Crocs. She's beautiful, isn't she ? Very comfy. I love it ! Thanks Say Koo for getting me this.

And lastly, I've been showing him off and telling him to everyone I know but I have not officially introduced him to all of you. This is the love of my life.

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Everyone, meet Max. My baby, the apple of my eyes.

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