Melissa's Food Shop With Foot Baths

By Melissa - Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Most of the time, when I'm asked a question, I reply with an answer or explanation almost instantaneously.

I'm wired that way. I think of the what's coming while living in the now synchronously and I have an opinion on everything. Put the two and two together, and my nano second reply rate will make perfect sense to anyone.

However, after being at CM for 2 years, I have learned that it is best if I don't offer an immediate answer to every question I'm asked. Here's why...


I was in Jakarta for a business trip with my boss 1.5 years ago and for the first two nights that we were there, we put up at Sunlake Hotel. Every room came with a claw leg bathtub, which made me very happy.

Once the meetings for the day were done and over with, I returned to my room and scrubbed every inch of the tub. Afterwards, I drew up a bath and submerged myself in the warm embrace of geranium bubbles. I went to bed all toasty that night.

The next morning at breakfast, my boss was griping about the hotel not having shower heads installed.

Like greased lightning, I whipped out Evie (Aurelia Bea's predecessor) and proceeded to show him a pic I took the night before.

I told him that the unassuming, lonesome thing was actually the shower head. All he had to do was to gently pull it out from its handle.

My boss listened intently to my explanation, stared at the picture and burst out laughing a few minutes later. After catching his breath, the following conversation ensued:

My boss: *still chuckling* Why would you show me a pic of you taking a bath?

Me: I DID NOT! I showed you a pic of the tub and the shower head.

My boss: *laughs even harder* It's a pic of you taking a bath. I'm gonna call you Bubble Toes from now onwards.

Me: *mortified* NoooOOOooooOOoo...

And just like that, for the next few weeks, I was Bubble Toes. To add salt to my already wounded ego, everyone else in my department got wind of the incident because of my bequeathed nickname.

That was the past. Way back in 2013. I thought that this embarrassing incident was locked in a forgotten vault which will never be opened again.

I was wrong. Today, a blast from the past paid me a visit.

I woke up to a WA message sent by Archangel, who's in South Africa at the moment...

A little while later...


Lesson learned. Well and good. My blushing cheeks are a testament to that.

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