Clouds, Car, Cake...

By Melissa - Monday, March 05, 2012

It feels right to be back here.

I cherished my time back home for the past 2.5 months and it was not without tears when my family left.

However, now that I'm on my own and getting on again with the flow, I can finally plant my feet on the ground and not feel as though I am walking on eggshells. I take in the day with long, deep breaths and I'm contented.

The pieces do not have to necessarily fit at this point, but within me, I know that all that is needed to complete the puzzle has been placed on the board. Time will determine which piece goes where, Hope assures me that it will be completed on time and Faith reminds me that "ALL things will be made beautiful in His time".

A few of today's sightings...

The sky at 4.48pm today.

I left Taylor's at 5.30pm and while strolling to my car, I saw this:

I was taking the picture above when a group of students passed. I was not within earshot but according to my friend, this conversation ensued.

Girl (while looking excitedly at the car): "Eh, so cool la. Who's PKB?"

Guy (uninterestedly): "Must be that girl taking the photo."


Debra and I had dinner before returning home and we decided to indulge in (our favourite) red velvet cupcakes and peppermint tea.

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