Food, Drivers and Family - Guess Where?

By Melissa - Thursday, December 01, 2011

I'm writing this in my bedroom, laptop propped up on my lap with quilt shielding my feet from the cold air-conditioning.

It's only Day 3 but I have stuffed myself with half the items on my 'What I Have Been Missing Out On and MUST Have When I Am Back in Penang' foodie list and I am still on the roll.

I'm already annoyed with the drivers here since Day 1.


Sideline: Doods and dudettes, please note that the farthest lane on the right is called 'The FAST Lane'. And, it is called that for a reason. So, if you are looking to slow-cruise your way to your destination (read: drive at 60km/h or any figure below that), MOVE. OVER. TO. ANOTHER. LANE.



{flips hair}

{continues writing this blog post without banging the keyboard}

Max squirms and runs into hiding when he sees me because he is terrified that I'll smother him with my kisses. He is obviously overreacting. People ALWAYS say that 'Absence makes the heart grow fonder'. What a little drama queen!

I'm missing my life in KL and feeling a little homesick (read: KL and my rented room in KL) at the moment.

But, catch-ups and nights out with friends, along with snuggling up to my parents in their bed is helping. A whole lot.

Happy December the First, y'all!

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