It's Official - I Have a Hate/Fear Relationship with Ants

By Melissa - Friday, November 19, 2010

Let me tell you a story.

About a month ago, I was sleeping. Very soundly. In sweet abandon of everything else.

Sunshine was radiating golden yellow rays that morning, my neighbour's (incredibly irritating) cat was playing nice that morning - none of those high-pitching meowing.

I was snuggled up in the cold of the air-conditioner, covers pulled up to my chin and I was resting on my tummy when I felt an IMMENSELY sharp pain on my right hand.

Reluctantly, I peeked open one eye and realised the perpetrator to my joyful morning, sound sleep and second favourite hand - a ginormous fire ant.

I killed it with my bare hands (with the aid of a tissue). Ahh, the satisfying sensation of victory!

I thought all was well till I woke up the next morning.

I could not make a fist and there was a numbing feeling to that hand.

I shall never forget that day.

To my horror of horrors, I then saw THIS {points below}.

One (horrid) jab, some medication and three days afterwards, my right hand looked like it should once again.

Upon seeing ants now, my insides get tangled up with disgust (this is NOT a 'butterfly in my stomach' situation), shivers are sent down my spine and goosebumps erupt on the surface of my skin.

Man, I really hate ants.

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