Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness

By Melissa - Tuesday, August 18, 2009

On an average, humans bathe 2-3 times a day and wash their hands 6-8 times a day (Maybe a little more if we get our hands dirty with chores and odd jobs around the house.).

I was keeping score (for no particular reason).

I shower 4-5 times a day, wash my hands (with soap) almost 20 times a day.

*circles eyes around the room* I think I am morphing into a hygiene zealot.


I think I know the root of the issue.

I am becoming obsessed with numbers.

This is bad. REAL. BAD.

What if I turn into one of those OCD (Obssesive-Compulsive Disorder) people? Where I would go mad if I don't get to wash my hands 2-0 times a day? Where I would INSIST on lathering up that amount of times eventhough my hands are not dirty?


You know what?

No need to be alarmed. I think I just like numbers =)

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