Dog Howling "I Love You"

By Melissa - Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Thanks Steven =)

First off, I despise the pug breed. I find their squashed-in face and bulging eyes undeniably disturbing. Not to mention, there is always this thing people say about dogs resembling their owners and I have found that to be true on some pug owners. *shudders*

The atrocious thing is, my dad used to find pugs cute, C. U. T. E, to the extent that he actually wanted to rear one. I will always commemorate the day the high heavens opened and saved me, when he agreed on letting me keep my gorgeous Max instead.

Right now, I should probably point out that my dad does not have a face that looks like he was running at breakneck speed and was unable to brace himself in time, thus his face and the glass had a head-on collision. Nor does he have a pair of protruding android-like peepers. He looks like Harrison Ford, the Asian version, if you ignore the receding hairline. (I am so gonna get a raise in my allowance this month. *chuckles*)

BUT, this video is incredibly cute, unbelievably adorable. It certainly does make up for the hideous facial features, I must say...

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