Double Review

By Melissa - Monday, May 25, 2009

Note: I am not a difficult person to please, I just have high expectations.

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Review no.1: Angels and Demons

I looked forward for this movie, because I liked the book, very much. It was a literary masterpiece if you asked me, next to The Da Vinci Code.

I went for the movie with a friend, and throughout the drive back, I was left explaining the why-s and what-s.

The crucial parts were left out, the plot was flawed, making the movie predictable and uninteresting.

For example, the executions of the four cardinals. I remember them (according to the book) with much more gore (not that I watch horror movies, I despise them. I watched ONCE when I was much younger and I was frightened, to my very marrow. I will tell you my life's story some other day.) and the chase to stop the deluded murderer was much more intense. The movie concentrated so much on Robert Langdon explaining that the pursuit to stop the perpetrator was shrunk to the last 10mins.

The nerve they had to categorize this movie as 18PL. *shakes head in disgust* Unbelievably pathetic.

Rating: 2.5/5

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Review no. 2: Night At The Museum 2 - Battle Of The Smithsonian

I recalled laughing, a considerable amount, during this movie. The jokes were not too great (Great would be Bill Maher or Steve Martin), it was alright.

This was meant to be a light-hearted watch, squeeze a few laughs out of you and that's about it. (Seriously, artifacts coming to life at the stroke of midnight? Very Cinderella-ish if you ask me.)

However, I thought that the singing cherubic angels were adorable. So adorable.

Rating: 3/5

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