12th April 2009

By Melissa - Sunday, April 12, 2009

Ugh, it's that time of the year again...

Only this year, it's a little different. When I was 12, I couldn't wait to turn 13. To be a TEENager. Subsequently, when people would ask me for my age, I would tell them, "I am 14++, waiting to be 15" or "I am 16, going on 17". So eager to let them know that I was growing up, counting the days till I reach my so-called 'designated ideal age'.

It's funny now, I am at that point in life, but I do not feel the difference. No additional sense of excitement, awe or wonder.

Nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Wait, maybe something is wrong with me...

Now, instead of worrying whether or not I can pass my Additional Maths paper or trying to cram those wretched History dates into my skull the night before the exam, I have a lot more on my plate - My future career, crow's feet (I should start using high-end eye cream), the noticeable bulging veins on my hands and feet, the planning of my garden/beach wedding (Hold your horses, my Prince Charming is still looking for me. I bet he is sifting through the woods, calling out my name, waiting to spin me around in his arms and give me a kiss *blinks* Disney Channel is evil.), making sure that my future husband does not have absurd names like Charlie and Geronimo in mind for our kids.

Ahh, the list is endless... and getting longer by the minute.

However, life so far, 20years, I have had a lot going for me. I have a lot to be thankful for.

My thank-you list

  • God

    You are the reason, the sole reason for my existence. The gifts and talents you have lovingly given unto me, those are additional bonuses. Thank YOU.

  • My family.

    - My parents
    How they bore with me for 20years, I have no idea. I am the most headstrong, strong-willed and persistent child. Even I, I would not want to have a child like me (Touchwood).

    Daddy and Mummy,
    Thanks for always believing in me, pushing me to take the leap and go the extra mile. Thanks for giving me space to do my own thing. But most importantly, thanks for loving me like you do.

    - My sister
    A bundle of annoyance, but also my source of entertainment and laughter.

    I know I am hot-tempered, sometimes lashing out at you. But, I love you. Thanks for your pure, unadulterated love for me.

    - My uncles
    Apart from my parents and sister, I have two others who love me just as much.

    Tua Koo and Say Koo,
    Again, you are so special to me. Thank you for always loving me, alloting me a special place in your heart.

  • My friends

    - There are a few whose names have to be highlighted,

    Annie, Sue, Debra, Rachel, Ruth, Deriss, Deline, Joshua Yee, Kelfy, Cui Lin, Mi-Chelle
    Some of you, I may be closer to compared to the other, but all the same, you are people whom I treasure so much. At some point, you've made a difference in my life. I adore all of you.

    " Best friends are the siblings God forgot to give us."

    - To others whom I've come across paths with, talked to you, shared and exchanged opinions and thoughts, asked and received advice from,
    All I can say is thanks. You've made my life richer, by the moment. You are never forgotten. =)

Maybe the second chapter of my life, the 2-0 era isn't all that bad.

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