A Little Bit of Home Came To Visit

By Melissa - Monday, April 07, 2014

This past weekend, a little bit of home paid me a visit to spend time, catch up and eat (It would be a travesty if she didn't).

She made a trip down to Penang last year to be with me for my birthday, and this year was no different (albeit a week earlier).

I picked her up from the airport after work on Friday, and had a lovely time with her all through the weekend.

Some of the local delicacies that were sampled...






Best popiah in all the land. 

Yesterday's mid-arvo cooler

Mandatory cheesy tourist shot

First birthday gift of the year.


Dearest Rosanne,

I am always amazed with the people that I am blessed with to call as my friends. It's really quite fascinating to have friends who just get me. 

Distance doesn't matter, and I love that although we don't talk to each other all the time, it has no effect whatsoever on our friendship. We were able to pick up from where we last left off, and move on seamlessly from there, as if no time had passed. 

This past weekend was a reaffirmation (to me) that I have pretty remarkable friends, and I'm grateful that you're one of them.

Thank you for this weekend and thank you for the in-advance birthday gift. Your thoughtfulness warms my heart.


P/S: You left your towel at my wooden towel stand. ;) I'll bring it with me when I visit in June. 

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