Book Review: The Rules Of Gentility

By Melissa - Monday, August 17, 2009

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This book kicks off with,

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single woman of fortune and passable good looks amuses herself in London with fashion, philantropic works and flirtation, until a suitable gentleman makes an offer. I consider the pursuit of bonnets and a husband fairly alike - I do not want to acquire an item which will wear out and bore me after a brief acquaintance, and we must suit each other well."

A modern day classic, I peg it as the perfect marriage between Pride and Prejudice with The Shopaholic series, Sex and The City thrown in as an added bonus.

The Rules Of Gentility is highly amusing, with rotating perspectives from the lead couple, Philomena Wellesley-Clegg and Inigo Linsley.

Fighting the urge to fast-forward to the last two chapters as the plot progresses (It is a very bad habit, I confess. It cuts off the anticipation.), I hurriedly read through the book, laughed and felt along with it.

I daresay, chick-lits are usually not my inclination as a choice of read, but this book is based heavily on Jane Austen's masterpiece, who so happens to be one of my favourite authors of all time (I did mention that this book is inspired by Pride and Prejudice, did I not?).

I think my moolah well-spent. (I gave up a quarter of my Dior lipgloss savings for this book.)


P/S: I have been reading four books simultaneously during the flying holidays. Which is why I kept the review short, my brain needs to adapt and switch between the storyline of the books.

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