Movie Review: Les Misérables

By Melissa - Saturday, January 05, 2013

I finally got to watching it today, after waiting on it for the longest time (My desire to watch it during my week-long holiday back to Penang did not materialize because The Muncheros weren't too keen on catching it.).

I have not been taken for a roller coaster of emotions like such for the longest time. I have not watched a movie that is so passion-driven, heart-aching and gut-wrenching since goodness knows when.

And, as I am writing this entry, I am still processing my emotions; my eyes are still a little misty, my nose is a light shade of pink and my emotions are all over the place.

No amount of reviews would do the movie justice. You would have to watch it to feel the tenderness, the fragility, the pain, the sorrow, the helplessness and the surge of hope... It mellows in the beginning, it rises subtly and the movie ends in a crescendo that makes it impossible for you to move in your seat for the next few minutes; the credits rolling on the screen and you, catching your breath. 

The movie was that, and so much more.

It is one movie that I won't be forgetting too soon.

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