"It's Too Heavy..."

By Melissa - Thursday, December 20, 2012

I don't mind the grocery shopping, the trip to the wet market, the cooking and even the cooking preparation (which takes up the bulk of any cooking attempt).

However, I loathe cleaning up after. I despise doing the dishes. That's not news. Everybody knows that if I do volunteer to clean up after and do the dishes, it's not because I want to, but because I'm inclined to be nice (or it is The Day - the day that I got a pet unicorn. DON'T laugh. I'm working on getting one.).

Over the years, I have tried various methods to skirt away from the dreaded chore by pretending to be busy, conning my sister into it by giving her something of mine that she has had her eye on and threatening to tell on her (VERY effective!).

But today, I have discovered that all my cheeky and deceitful means to avoid the dishes pales in comparison to this:

P/S: If my child ever throws this sort of tantrum or whining, I will put him/her over my knee and give him/her a good hiding. 

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