A Letter to My Sister

By Melissa - Friday, December 14, 2012

May 4th, 2012

 Dearest Angeline,

After being your sister for 15++ years, this is my first letter to you and it is worth the wait because you are now at the age where we can finally share to one another and communicate on a more mature and intimate level.

The events that transpired during the past two weeks when I was back home weren't easy to watch and it was certainly a blow to my heart to watch you go through all that.

I may not be the best person to talk to when it comes to relationships (I am still figuring out many many things in life, love being one of them) but I want you to know this truth: God has the best in store for you. And, that man will represent as close and as much as he can be (to the degree that he allows and is willing for God to work on his heart and life) to our Heavenly Father - He will be your protector, your lover and the man of your life. He will lead, love and cherish you - and he will never break your heart intentionally.  

Never ever settle for second best. Never give in just because your emotions are running on high at the moment. 

You are precious to me. There's no one who could love me as an elder sister more than you and I want you to know that I love you just as much, and more. 

I am praying daily for God to heal your heart and mend all the brokenness; to restore you completely that you will not be afraid to love again and open up yourself to another person, but only when the time is right.

Draw close to God, our Heavenly Father. Live in His love daily. Read the Bible, it is the best guide to life that there is. And, always always remember that you are loved and your life is celebrated, every single day.

Love you, 
Jie Jie.

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