Bruise Count

By Melissa - Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bruise count for the day: A grand total of 3. 

#1. Woke up and noticed a blue-green coin-sized bruise on my right knee. It must be from that Octo-Woman maneuver (read: the juggling of ALL the ingredients in one's arms to avoid a second visit to the refrigerator whilst using one of the legs to hold off the refrigerator door from closing) I tried to pull off before whipping up dinner yesterday, which failed miserably as the door slammed against my knee and thankfully, none of the ingredients landed on the floor.

 #2. Showered and was all ready to head out of the house when I walked into the wall. My left shoulder, this time around.

 #3. Crouched down and had a mini discussion with my course mates at MSS. As I was getting up, my back hit the table. Hard. And, loud. My whole tutorial went silent. I went to take a peek (there's a full-length mirror at the ladies'). I got away with a flaming red lower back and a minor graze (which was a MAJOR, stinging pain during my bath).


Moral of the story #1: The refrigerator door, the wall and the table at D(3)18 are just envious of me.

Moral of the story #2: Always have a large tube of potent Vitamin E lying around.

Moral of the story #3: STOP befriending the refrigerator door, STOP walking into walls and STOP backing into tables.

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