Dreams, Emotions and Friends

By Melissa - Friday, January 13, 2012

My memory was reeled back to that thread of comments which I shared with a friend two days ago.

I sat down and reflected on it.

Dreams... There is something magical and child-like about this word.

I don't know about most of you reading this blog post, but I know that my mind associates images or a particular feeling/emotion with words. For instance, say the word 'balloons' and you'll see a smile forming on my lips. When I think of balloons, I think of celebration and outdoor frolic, and that makes me happy. The word 'balloons' gives me bubbly joy that comes from within. Conversely, mention the word 'solemn' and watch that earlier smile curve downwards.

So, dreams... I believe that each of us are meant to dream dreams. More than that, dreams are to be pursued, for them (dreams) to become reality and for us to touch, see and hold in our hands.

Dreams are more than just fluffy clouds up in the blue sky on a sunny day (that's what Disney Channel etched in my brain). The dreams that we have represent a longing within us, a spark of hope and glimmer of tenacity which tells us that there is more to life than just the ordinary.

Today and for the rest of your days, work towards that dream of yours. PURSUE it - Cajole, run for and chase after it.

Emotions are..... incredibly powerful. It drives, motivates and can even consume a person. Just as it is with dreams, I believe that emotions are to be expressed. Life flies by too swiftly and time waits for no one, why waste both by putting a lid on emotions?

Certainly when I say that, I hope that it does not trigger an automatic response in you to rant out loud on Facebook/Twitter (or any other social networking site, for that matter) without an end and annoy every single person on your Friends list with your incessant complaints and wailing.

What I AM saying is, channel it someplace.

Some of the best songs of all time were written when emotions were running high and the only outlet for expression was through songwriting. Just ask John Lennon ("Imagine"), U2 ("One" - lyrical masterpiece)..... Some of the best books, must-read classics, were written as a cry in anguish and from a flood of overwhelming emotions. Take "To Kill A Mockingbird" by Harper Lee for example.

The people that I picked as examples chose to channel their emotions somewhere in a position which has given them platform to touch lives and to remind people that they are not alone in feeling that way and something can be done; change is not that far away, it is on its way here.

And, friendship - One of best gifts in life after family.

Build, nurture and invest in friendship. Appreciate, treasure and make time for friends.

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