Morning Devotion - My Personal Favourite

By Melissa - Wednesday, November 09, 2011

As I was editing one of my favourite Bible verses above, an old hymn (which I love) popped into my mind. It says,

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,

And the things of the earth will grow strangely dim,

In the light of His glory and grace."

Most of the time, we share with Him the desires of our hearts and then, wait for and expect Him to grant it. Only when the granting happens, do we delight ourselves, not in Him, but in His blessings.

I believe that when David wrote this Psalm, he walked with the Lord so closely that he knew by heart that God comes through, all the time.

When He says 'No', it is only because He has something better in store. When He says 'Don't', it is to spare us from heartaches and detours from His will. When He says 'Not yet', it is not denial but it is delay with purpose - for strengthening our faith and enlarging our hearts.

Can I encourage you to seek HIM first? Just Him, for who He is.

Not for His blessings, not for what He can do for you.

He WILL do it for you; His blessings will be poured and His goodness and mercy will follow you for all the days of your life (Psalm 23:6). That is His promise. It is His truth.

Go beyond the blessings. Look for more. Go deeper. Build an everlasting relationship with Him that will change your life.

So much love,

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