They're Here, They're Here... They're FINALLY Here!

By Melissa - Monday, October 10, 2011

Lip Smacker have ALAS hit the shores of Malaysia!

I am really so very thrilled!

(Pardon me if the previous sentence doesn't sound too accurate, grammatically. I'm well aware of it and I intend for it to be so.)

I've been wanting to get my hands on them for about two years now. And because no one I know has made any trips to the US, I had none to call my own.

Till about, say, an hour ago.

{cartwheels all around the room}

I was picking up some toiletries and as per ushe, I strolled down the aisles of Guardian. (Don't judge, it helps me de-stress.)

My trained eyes quickly spotted a new stand with rows and rows of lip balms. All sorts of colours, an array of flavours.

I looked closer and my heart skipped a beat.

I saw








I swallowed the rising lump in my throat and I turned the package over.

It was the real, genuine, authentic Lip Smacker! Why? Because it says "Bonne Bell" on the back. And no, that was not an answer ala bimbo.

Here's why: "The Bonne Bell Company has been exciting lips with Lip Smacker, the WORLD'S favorite flavored lip gloss, since 1973. The first fruity flavor to hit the market was Strawberry. Today many flavors are sold worldwide."

I knew the above explanation by heart.

I grabbed one off the stand, paid and left.

So cute!

Smells (and tastes) just like cotton candy.

#Tomorrow, I am heading over to get all the other flavours. A girl can never have too many lip balms.

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