Snickers Ice-Cream

By Melissa - Friday, October 07, 2011

YES, you read right - It's Snickers ICE-CREAM. (Yes again, if you didn't know such a thing exists, it does.)

I had it years ago when a friend so kindly brought a bar back for me from the Land Down Under and I. LOVED. IT. I gleaned off every trace of it from the wrapper.

I have looked for it for years (usually at Cold Storage), circled the island for years to get just another bar of that luscious chocolatey goodness, but all of my efforts were futile.









{heavenly chorus}

I was grocery-shopping at Cold Storage when I spotted it.

I shall not go into details but all I am going to reveal was that there were screaming, tears and giggles. Profusely. For quite a bit. (P/S: I was with a friend. Doing that alone would be pathetic.)

I hurriedly paid for it, settled myself comfortably in a chair and ripped off the packaging.

And then, for the next 15 seconds or so, H.E.A.V.E.N.

I guarantee you, once you've had this, you will never want to go back.

#I'm planning to visit that Cold Storage every weekend from now on.

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