#17 Rule of Being A Gentleman

By Melissa - Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Seen while doing research (read: blog visiting) today.

Boys and men of the world, Listen Up.

Yes, we girls and women have rules. Not just one and you can bet your last dollar that we don't stop at 10. And yes, we are complex, intricate and emotional. Yet, you fall head over heels for us sooooooo bad. Why? Because, we're awesome like that.

So yes, rules.

We have long, sprawling lists that we skim through every now and then.

Here's the scoop: The length of a woman's list depends on the number of guys she has seen and dated. You'd know the amount of jerks she has gone out with just by the size of that list, I kid you not.

Rules are good, not necessarily all the time but they are needed; like rule #17 here that I have shared with you folks today.

However, we just never told you that rule #17 is actually rule #1 (2 or 3, for some people I know :p).

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