My First Taste of Sweet Corn Ice-Cream

By Melissa - Thursday, August 11, 2011

My earliest recollection (and first taste) of sweet corn ice-cream came when my maternal grandmother requested for the same flavour every single time she gave me additional allowance on a weekly basis; a treat for me to buy something that I fancied (junk food or stationery, for the most part) and to get her sweet corn ice-cream.

Later on, we graduated from purchasing sweet corn ice-cream cones (for her) and strawberry ice-cream cones or orange popsicles (for me) from the evening ice-cream vendor to buying tubs of Nestle sweet corn ice-cream from the supermarket.

When she passed away, the buying of sweet corn ice-cream came to a halt because no one else in my family had it, except for the both of us.

I haven't had a taste for it for a good 8 years, at least.

Two evenings ago on a whim (while grocery shopping), I walked over to the dairy section and hunted for the indigo-coloured tubs; searching for the usual. I couldn't find the flavour I missed so much but I settled for a different brand with the particular flavour.

Tonight, as I peeled away the cover and saw the sunny yellow shade, tears welled up in my eyes.


Dearest Ah Ma,

I miss sharing sweet corn ice-cream with you. I miss fighting you for the last portion of it. But most of all, in the 10 years that you have left us to be with our Heavenly Father, I miss being your grand-daughter.

Missing you,

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