I am immensely happy and blissfully contented.
I am overwhelmed by what God can do, is doing and will do, when I truly seek His heart’s desire in everything.
Admittedly, many times I get worried. I doubt. I ask too many questions. I rile myself up with anxiety.
My heart poured out and my soul bared, I was never pushed aside.
Instead, He smiles and replies, “Take MY yoke upon you. Let ME teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your soul(s).” (Matthew 11:29, emphasis added.)
The Saturday and Sunday that just passed, I gaped in awe and lifted my face to heaven, radiant.
Tears rolling down my face, I gratefully thank Him for the greatest honour He has bestowed upon my life - the privilege to be used as HIS vessel.
How can I not fall over and over in love with Him? How can I not give Him my all, everything that I am capable of in this life?
I can’t think of anything better in life, truly.
His heir and co-heir with Christ,
P/S: Daddy,
You are a representation of Him in our home. In this life, there is no one else who could ever love me more (other than God). I love you, forever.