The Best Form of Writing

By Melissa - Sunday, January 24, 2010

Having written over 200 entries on Chatty Lass on diverse topics with various styles, I have to point out that nothing beats writing about my precious Lord. Absolutely nothing.

I've come to realise over time that it is difficult, it takes a lot of me, to concentrate on writing of something I am not passionate about.

Dedicating your life to make someone else's day kickstart by doubling up in laughter nonetheless deserves a worthy mention.

However, if all a person blogs about is rants or minute-by-minute updates of their life, I sincerely see no purpose in continuing to read on (unless it is for prying purposes *grins* or that person is an incredible writer).

I am mentioning this because I think Chatty Lass might be in for a little change, with more articles devoted to Him.

One of the songs I've sung before speaks of Him being all we need in life.

How magnificent would it be, if the truth of this dawns upon us, with that truth being written across our hearts and over our minds.

How different and much more fulfilling would life be!

Familiarity in worship is such that we can SING the lyrics of the song, with our hearts and mind being elsewhere.

Complacency in serving takes form by simply 'being on duty', just because of our names being in the roster.

One of my deepest desires is to raise up a generation of musicians and singers who are not mere singers and musicians, but to be LOVERS of God; who worship Him not only with their voices and skills, most importantly with their WHOLE lives.

There are so many facets to the greatness, love and grace of God which I simply cannot ignore and would love to share with you.

I am on a journey of discovery, loving it and itching for greater heights and depth.

With so much love,

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