Test of Faith

By Melissa - Sunday, December 06, 2009

Of late, I think that my posts have been rather personal. However, I believe that some things are worth sharing; to inspire, to encourage and to strengthen.

The December schedule was out, I am to lead worship today. I was hyped up, so enthusiastic about it. The first few days, I couldn’t wait for Sunday to arrive; rubbing my hands together gleefully at the thought of it.

Come Friday - between rushing to meet assignment deadlines and hunger pangs - I drove to seek for food, completely forgot and turned into a junction, which is a double-line (translation: I was not supposed to make a turning into that particular road).

Unfortunately for me, the police were lying in wait that day and I was flagged to the side of the road.

The wheels of motion were already set; hence the officer–in-charge carried it out by the book. Reluctantly, however.

Playing dumb, I innocently waited for him to pop the question. He did. And, I replied, “No. I am a Christian, I will not succumb to doing that.”

Disappointment made apparent, he decided to give it one more shot by saying, “Well then, I have to do what I have to do. If only you could float me with some cash, this could all go away.”

I remained defiant, maintaining my stand.

As the summon was issued, I couldn’t help but feel crushed. My morale plunged into disappointment.

The summon clutched in my fist, I slowly trudged back to my car. As I sat myself down, tears began streaming down my face.

I didn’t know what caused the waterworks.

All I knew was at that moment in time, something transpired in my heart and my mind could not comprehend what it was, but I knew it was a consummation of love. It was something so precious, so tangible, so palpable.

I had to drive a distance to regain my composure before making my way back.

Upon reaching home, I scrambled to my room, knelt before my King and proceeded to have the most beautiful 2 hours of my entire life.

All I can say from this incident is:

1. NEVER EVER cross a double-line.
2. More importantly, NEVER forget that the double-line exists.

I am merely digressing, for humour purposes (If that actually worked).

This post is not meant to bluster, boasting my own song of being ‘holier than thou’.

See, this incident was a test of faith.

No one was around at that moment to witness if I did decide to perform that act. I will honestly say, there was that flickering thought, “How easy would it have been, if I had just settled it then and there.”

There is a price to pay, to do the right thing.

This incident, this test of faith costs me RM 180. In your walk of life, it may be something else.

I’ll tell you something else more important: Pay that price (literally, in my case).

Because, I am sure I passed with flying colours.

The result of this little test of faith is an experience so awesome; nothing could ever quite amount to it. It is utterly priceless.

I am so ruined for all else.

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