Milestone (200th post)

By Melissa - Sunday, November 29, 2009

This is my 200th post.

I must say, this is not too bad at all; for someone who contemplated deeply and carefully took all matters into consideration before she decided to have a blog.

Perhaps, it should be referred to as a milestone. Or, an accomplishment for reaching the pinnacle.

For the past one year, I have shared some of my life's story on Chatty Lass, both the good and the bad.

This blog has been my source of encouragement and strength (I've received emails and compliments on it being a source of encouragement and inspiration to some. My heart flutters with joy, to know that you were blessed by the articles.), chronicling a part of my life.

Tonight, I am yet again blessed. Blessed to be amongst youths who are crazy for God, lifting up explosive praise and incredible worship to the most Beautiful Saviour of all.

I loved every second of it, and I am not going to trade it for anything; to do it for the rest of my days.

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