Believing In The Good

By Melissa - Friday, September 04, 2009

I hear people talking about karma everywhere.

They refer to all things happening in their lives (good or bad, particularly when the bad reigns and good is subdued) to karma.

I checked out the definition of karma, in order to correctly write and address this post.

  1. Fate or destiny

  2. The good or bad emanations felt, to be generated by someone or something

Friends (and followers of Chatty Lass, if you remember), I do not believe in fate, destiny or luck. No such thing.

It is an excuse made; a sugarcoated, catchall excuse thrown out for the happenings amidst us.

Which is why, I do not believe in karma as well.

I am sick and tired of hearing laments.

It makes my stomach churn with disgust when I read of it, especially if it is from the same group of people, over and over again.

The government has done enough in the area of censorship, I am most definitely not gonna add to it.

It is a (somewhat) still free country, it is their choice and freedom to voice out whatever they are feeling.

However, if they see opportunity in everything and it triggers them to relate their sob story like clockwork, you've got to wonder if that bunch are alright in the head.

I, for one, would love to peer into their hearts instead. I can foresee a heart dark as soot, smudged with bitterness and coated with anger.

They could go on and on for months - relating incident after incident, from the beginning till the end of time - of how they had been mistreated, manipulated, used.

They would then cite karma as the best solution to their predicament, how they hope the ninny who had 'sinned' against them receive identical (if not worse) treatment someday.

I've got two words for you. Grow. Up.

You are certainly not the first person to have gone through it, you will also most definitely not be the last.

Why waste your breath and time harbouring such nonsense?

Share with you something.

I have been through that lonely, dark tunnel. The worst hours of my life. I sat in a corner, curled myself up in a foetal position and cried for hours.

That happened so many times, until one day. It was not too long ago actually.

My sleeves were soaked with tears, balled up tissues with snot pilling up in my bin.

I wiped away the remaining pearls, peered into the mirror to check for signs of bulging goldfish-like eyes (they were a tad bit swollen) and said,

"No more. No matter what happens, I am going to be resilient, and I am going to wish that person good. He/she is not going to affect me. Life is too short to hold grudges against. I only have one life, one shot. I am going to make it count."

I shared this quote here, I think it's fitting just right now for repetition.

"It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart".

Anne Frank - July 15, 1944

Loving life and believing in the good just because,

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